Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Perfect College Care Packages

Or As Some Would Would Say... Mom Gone Overboard!

When my daughter was a freshman last year I couldn’t wait to design and put together monthly care packages for her. I never did them for my son, maybe because my ideas were things I would like, more for a girl than a boy. Some of you may have already seen them on social media. I posted them each month last year with a Youtube video link of me putting them together. 

I began researching exactly what I wanted to do the summer before she left. I decided there would be a monthly theme and some consistent items in every box, like a jar of candy, a “Keep Calm” card and TicTacs. Each box was decorated with scrapbook paper and was color coordinated to its theme. I would pick up little things I thought would be fun in a future box when I was running errands. I created eight in total, September through December, (skipping January since it was winter break), and then February through May. 

The first one was crazy overboard! I think it was the best because I had so much stuff in it, including “Open When” letters. I had friends and family write her letters based on prompts such as "Open when your sad.", or "Open when you're happy." She loved them and actually opened all of them when she received the box instead of waiting. It was also all about being happy and true to yourself with inspirational quotes etc. And the color theme I used for the first box was the colors of her dorm room decor. All in all, I loved creating all of the boxes. 

Here's a list of the month themes:

  • SeptemberBe True, Be You, Be Brave, Be Happy
  • OctoberHalloween, orange and purple, but not too kidsy and of course lots of candy
  • NovemberWe Are So Thankful For You!, gratitude theme in browns, reds and oranges
  • DecemberFinals Survival Kit, cranberry and winter colors, with cute little puns
  • FebruaryI’m Blue Without You, blue and snow/winter
  • MarchLucky to Be Your Mom and Dad, full of colorful rainbows and shades of green
  • AprilA Little Box of Sunshine, yellows and sunny
  • May“Orange You Glad It’s Almost Summer, orange and fun summer items
Here's the link to my Youtube Channel where youll find all of my videos creating the boxes each month. 

By the second semester, I toned the boxes down a bit with bigger but fewer items at my daughter’s request. She said she loved them but simply didn’t have the need or space for more knick knacks, journals, etc. So instead I’d add a cozy sweater or socks and always lots f food treats. I haven’t sent any yet this year but I may send one or two surprise specialty boxes next term. I mean really, who doesn’t love getting a surprise box in the mail? Hint, hint...

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